Friday, August 23, 2013


We have known Randy and Ruth Parker since the 1980's, when Paul and Randy served on a national athletic director committee together. In fact, Randy followed Paul as chairperson when Paul left the committee in 1991. Ruth and Randy have a summer home in New Hampshire and drove north to Portland to visit.

We decided to visit Prouts Neck, a small peninsula jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean with panoramic views along coastline cliffs. We had done this walk once before and knew it provides panoramic views of the southern Maine coast; especially with a near cloudless sky. This is the view northward from the start of the walk..

Randy, Ruth, and Paul enjoying the view from a bench along the walk.

As we walked further towards the Point, the cliff seemed to get higher up from the Atlantic Ocean. Paul and Randy take a closer look.

We passed this huge home overlooking the cliffs.

There were beach roses all along our walk. No, these are not grape or cherry tomatoes but the fruits this plant produces when its flowers have finished blooming.

You can tell fall is just around the corner when the Queen Anne's Lace and Ragweed are in full bloom.

Ruth, Paul, and Randy taking in some great views from a small bridge along the walk.

To the left, you could see Black Point Beach. It was a perfect day weather wise, with the temperature in the low 70's and an ocean breeze keeping us extra cool. We were surprised by how few people were out enjoying the wonderful weather.

Another view of many more miles of shoreline.

By the end of our walk, we worked up a hunger for lunch.  So we drove to nearby Cape Elizabeth to eat some fresh seafood at the Lobster Shack. How many times can you have a nice lunch with a picture window view of the Atlantic Ocean?

After lunch we walked out onto a rock jetty to get a better view of the Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse.

We returned to the campground for an afternoon of visiting, a good chance to get caught up in each other's lives and families. What a perfect day - awesome scenery, beautiful weather, and great fellowship. We plan to stop to visit Randy and Ruth in New Hampshire on our return trip to Florida.

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